It’s already time to pick classes for the 2023-2024 school year. Please make sure you check out any new classes or changes in the curriculum guide. Advisement will take the place of FLEX time Jan. 24th- 27th so be prepared ahead of time to come ready to select courses.

Parents and students, please keep in mind the following upcoming dates for planning purposes:

Jan. 26th: Incoming 9th grade orientation night plus Activities Fair at 6:30 pm. 

February 13th (4 pm- 8 pm): pre-arranged advisement conferences for upperclassmen via Zoom. These will be set up with your current advisors who should be reaching out soon via e-mail or through your son/daughter. Incoming 9th-grade students should come in person with their laptop if he/she still has questions or just wants to meet their new advisors.

February 15th (1 pm- 3:45 pm): pre-arranged advisement conferences for upperclassmen via Zoom. These will be set up with your current advisors who should be reaching out soon via e-mail or through your son/daughter. Incoming 9th-grade students should come in person with their laptop if he/she still has questions or just wants to meet their new advisors.

Students will have no school from February 15th – February 20th. Please visit the calendar and mark these important dates.